Archive for January, 2006

The Mystery of the Different Types of Lettuce

Written on January 9th, 2006 by blogger
Posted in Food and Drinks

butterhead.jpgWhen I was a kid, I went to the local grocery store to buy lettuce for sandwiches. I looked around the produce section and finally found the leafy-greens section. When I looked at the labels, I was overwhelmed with the many different types of lettuce to choose. I mean, what on earth is Romaine lettuce? All I knew is that I needed something green to fill sandwiches for later. Which one to choose?

It’s such a stressful situation like that instance when you’re at the grocery store and you have too many choices. Lettuce is no exception. “But, can’t I just interchange them? Isn’t iceberg lettuce in tacos just as good as iceberg lettuce in salads?” you ask. No! Please, don’t use green leaf lettuce in salad, romaine lettuce in tacos, and, most importantly, DO NOT use iceberg lettuce in your sandwich. That particular atrocity is one of my pet-peeves. So, what is the proper way to use each type?

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About Be a Bree

Written on January 1st, 2006 by Jenna
Posted in News

“Bree [Van De Kamp] was known for her cooking, and for making her own clothes, and for doing her own gardening, and for re-upholstering her own furniture. Yes, Bree’s many talents were known throughout the neighborhood. And everyone on Wisteria Lane thought of Bree as the perfect wife and mother. Everyone, that is, except her own family.”

Desperate Housewives – Episode 01.01 – Pilot

muffins.jpgBree, a main chracter on the ABC network hit series Desperate Housewives, has often been dubbed the Martha Stewart on steroids! She seems to be the perfect housewife. She is resourceful, hardworking, and loving … yet under-appreciated. Often homemakers in the real world (mothers and fathers alike) long to become even remotely as skilled as Bree. They are “desperate homemakers.” This web site is a hybrid between a blog and a fansite dedicated to the perfect housewife played by Marcia Cross. The mission is to give helpful advice to clueless homemakers as they strive to “Be a Bree” (or a Martha Stewart).

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Be a Bree